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Monday, October 29, 2012

Amanda Todd's suicide and social media's sexualisation of youth culture | Naomi Wolf | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Amanda Todd's suicide and social media's sexualisation of youth culture | Naomi Wolf | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

As the sad story of the bullied Canadian teenager shows, girls are especially vulnerable to imagery sold by the porn industry
Amanda Todd
A YouTube image of Canadian teenager Amanda Todd, who reportedly killed herself as a result of bullying after a stalker posted nude images her online.
Amanda Todd, a teenager who lived in the Vancouver area, died earlier this month by her own hand. Shortly before she killed herself, she made a YouTube video describing the bullying she had suffered both in school and after school that had driven her to abuse drugs and alcohol, and self-harm –and which would, ultimately, result in her suicide. She described boys tormenting her, and girls beating her so severely that, when they were done, she simply lay in a ditch until her father found her.
What caused the bullying that pursued her so viciously?
In seventh grade, Todd had logged onto a webcam site where she met a 30-year-old man who cajoled her into showing him her breasts. When she sought to withdraw from the man's persistent attentions, he contacted her via Facebook. He threatened to send the topless photos of her to "everyone" if she did not "put on a show".
Unfortunately for Todd, it was no empty threat: the man had obtained her personal data, including where she lived and went to school, and made good on his word. When she changed schools to avoid the people who had seen the uncensored photo, he made it his profile picture on Facebook.
The media, as well as the girl's school, have stressed the issue of bullying in this story, but they must also address adult male cyberstalking and the influence of porn on teenage social interaction. The last two issues are often considered too "difficult" to address in the mainstream, even though their influences are very much ingrained in the mainstream.
In fact, Todd's case is not an isolated one. At least two American girls have reportedly committed suicide after their former boyfriends, following a break-up, forwarded nude photos of them.
A study in the peer-reviewed journal Archives of Sexual Behavior found that almost 18% of high school students – boys and girls, some as young as 14 – acknowledged sending "explicit" images of themselves on cellphones to other students. Previous studies had just asked about "provocative" images, which are not illegal (nude images of minors are). In the survey group of 600 private high school students from the US south-west, 30% of girls reported having received an "explicit" image, while 50% of boys did. (The difference between the numbers of self-reported senders and receivers had to do with forwarding, according to the researchers.)
Most students left a question that sought to ascertain their awareness of the illegality of this kind of sexting blank. In other words, the students did not understand that what they were doing was illegal.
How has the influence of pornography created such an ungated torrent of sexually explicit images that invades lives like Todd's? And why, in a consumer culture in which you can buy anything, is it so difficult to place real filters against such intrusions?
As a free-speech advocate, I believe that adults should have access to any material they want. As a parent, and a community member, I think people should be able to protect their homes from imagery – much of it violent – that is, I feel, a form of child abuse when adult society inflicts it upon children. Porn is one such example of imagery that has come to be a powerfully negative influence on youth culture.
The ownership of the porn industry is, oddly, cloaked in mystery (though we know that Goldman Sachs recently got out of the lucrative prostitution listings business). It is also hard to establish the actual money involved: estimates for the value of the porn industry range from $10bn a year to $13bn (for the US market alone). Neither of these figures is as striking as the 2009 United Nations estimate of the value of the porn industry worldwide: $100bn, with child porn accounting for $20bn.
Why is ownership and revenue data in this huge industry so opaque? Authors Melinda Tankard Reist and Abigail Bray of Big Porn Inc: Exposing the Harms of the Global Pornography Industry argue that "porn money" has bought up research departments in universities, and contributed to governmental lobbying efforts. If true, that would certainly help to explain the absence of any practical controls that would keep the industry freely available in a strongly filtered adults-only space.
This free market inundation of explicit imagery is certainly affecting teens. Guidance counselors in Manhattan schools, as well as schools in the US midwest, have expressed their concerns with me that online images, "sexting" and homemade erotic videos are all increasingly used to torment and isolate kids – especially by "slut-shaming" girls and young women.
Caught in an impossible double bind, teenaged girls are encouraged by the ubiquity of porn's influence to post suggestive, racy pictures of themselves on their Facebook pages or via other social media, and even engage – as Amanda Todd did – in more direct, self-revealing behavior online that is then captured forever. In a vacuum of any responsible adult conversation about privacy, dealing with porn imagery and chat rooms, or appropriate sexual behavior, these girls are left to the mercy of an industry setting the bar for their interactions. That then becomes the behavioral norm for both sexes in youth culture.
The outcome? This dangerous proliferation of teenagers using technology to paint scarlet letters on girls that are practically impossible to delete from cyberspace. How many Amanda Todds will there be before we act on this problem?


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  • cbarr
    26 October 2012 9:36PM
    This is a problem that ultimatley rests strongly on a parenting culture that reffuses to directly interact with childrens lives. There are filters available for almost all devices if parents wish to set them in place why aren't they doing so? It is not just a lack of knowledge susch software has being widely available for a long time and when buying devices you are often asked if you wish to establish parental controls. This is an issue f not recognising the threat and being unable to say no to children. Screens are cheap time fillers for parents who then dont have to interact. Change your cultural attitudes to children and the problem goes.
  • Stiffkey
    26 October 2012 9:40PM
    And on another thread on CIF people are sneering at Mary Whitehouse for wanting to prevent the pornification of society.
    The trouble with so many people like you, Naomi, is that you want to have your moral cake and eat it.
  • MrVholes
    26 October 2012 9:40PM
    I think the porn argument is a bit peripheral here. The issue is a teenager bullied to death by people apparently completely devoid of any empathy whatever. As for the man who cajoled her to exposing herself in the first place, I hope he has been arrested and jailed. I'd like to horsewhip him.
  • peeps99
    26 October 2012 9:43PM
    How many Amanda Todds will there be before we act on this problem?
    Firstly terribly tragic story, no question about that.
    Secondly, to answer that question depends on what the author has in mind in order - perhaps restrictions on porn, but what restrictions and would that actually address the the core problem of the sexual exploitation of children? There are certainly plenty of topical examples around at the moment of how long the sexual exploitation of children has been going in for.
    Also (as the article doesn't say) and I'm not familiar with what age children are in 7th grade was the 30-year old man in question charged for possessing child pornography? Or am I missing something
  • Oakhorn
    26 October 2012 9:52PM
    Honestly, I don't think it is the fault of pornography so much as it is technology. The fact is we live in a rapidly advancing age (Technologically speaking) and whilst it may be easy to blame porn, I would argue it is more the ease in which we are able to capture these images and send them. If this same technology had existed 20/30 years ago, I feel the same 'sexting' phenomenon would have occurred, after all people sent each other dirty polaroids back then, the only thing that has changed is the new ability to rapidly distribute such items without needing a photocopier and a staple-gun.
  • discuz
    26 October 2012 9:57PM
    How many Amanda Todds will there be before we act on this problem?
    Forced chemical castration for all, unless you and your partner want to procreate, in which case you can submit an application. After the neccessary checks are made and you and your family are vetted, you won't need to take your pills and you will be allowed to have sex for a brief period of time.
    All agreed?
  • discuz
    26 October 2012 10:24PM
    From what I could read on the case, Amanda Todd flashed her boobs once on a webcam. A still of this was then emailed to people she knew.
    I live in a European country in which a sizeable number of women, young and old alike take off their bikini tops when they are enjoying the beach, lake or park in public, on a sunny day, with their friends or family.
  • peeps99
    26 October 2012 10:35PM
    If you want to live life get offline.
    I know, and yet I still keep coming on here for more. Need my daily CIF fix now. I'm addicted.
    Ah, I've the first step to acceptance in acknowledging it and on the road to recovery :-)
  • mikedow
    26 October 2012 10:36PM
    That region is a partially urbanized valley, and many decent people live there, amongst Hell's Angels, and one fundamentalist congregation after another. The same area that the young girl who was videoed being done by a gang at a party some months ago, and posted on YT. There are some unsavory people out there, and unattended children.
  • Alex239
    26 October 2012 10:39PM
    Tragic story. Perhaps even more tragic is the lack of sympathy and decency even now she is gone. From people viciously condemning her as a slut who deserved what she got, to those making tasteless jokes such as 'rest in bleach' on tribute pages.
    I must confess to laughing hysterically at the latter, and it wasn't even that funny. Have we all become completely desensitised?
  • Alex239
    26 October 2012 10:44PM
    I must say, though, that it appears to be young girls rather than young boys who have changed behavioral patterns. Teen boys have always had a desperation to see girls they know minus clothes - when we were fourteen the sole point of parties at the weekend was trying to get drunk and get the girls to put out. Difference is, now the girls ARE putting out and ARE sending naked pictures, and the ones who do are getting younger and younger by all accounts.
    I convinced many girls to send me pictures of themselves or go on webcam when I was in my teens; some were girls I was dating, some were girls I'd met online, all were surprisingly compliant.
    I actually think a lot of it comes down to a lack of self worth rooted in the unrealistic body images that are expected to aspire too - taking their clothes off, getting complemented, pleasing a boy, it raises confidence and self esteem in girls who have little.
  • Jemima101
    26 October 2012 10:58PM
    Bollocks, the people responsible are those who treated her so abysmally. Blaming porn is just like the rapist blaming dress or drink. Yet again feminists showing they know nothing about choice or consent. They shared these pics without her consent, they choose to bully her. Nothing to do with porn.
  • nanayasleeps
    26 October 2012 11:09PM
    Why is porn being blamed for something which was so obviously a case of bullying? Why is Naomi Wolf so keen to deflect blame from the real culprits? Bullies often drive their victims to suicide, and many such cases involve no sexual elements at all. Social media may have made this easier in some ways, but the scenario is not new.
    Incidentally, there is a reasonable amount of research about the ownership & financing of porn around for anyone who cares to do a tiny level of investigating.
    I sometimes wonder if Naomi Wolf is in fact a fiendishly clever anti-feminist fifth-columnist whose true aim is to make the rest of us look stupid.
  • ShuffleCarrot
    26 October 2012 11:12PM
    Sadly there have been a number of teenagers that thanks to cyber bulling have taken their own life. But its got little to do with porn no matter how big of axe the author wants to grid on it . Of course in this authors case its seen as worse as some people in the area actual want to make a 'profit ' out of their work , I take it author only works for free for just enough to live on so their not being a hypocrite.
  • baldyman01
    26 October 2012 11:16PM
    What were her parent doing? I assume she kept this secret? If this were my daughter and I knew about it, the guy would not be able to threaten anything on account of being dead. Possible in a wheelchair if I was feeling forgiving.
  • jackscht
    26 October 2012 11:22PM
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  • Jebedee
    26 October 2012 11:27PM
    A study in the peer-reviewed journal Archives of Sexual Behavior found that almost 18% of high school students – boys and girls, some as young as 14 – acknowledged sending "explicit" images of themselves on cellphones to other students.
    Worth remembering that, according to the CDC, 47% of American high school students have had sex. So it's not as though teenagers seeing each other in "explicit" situations is a cellphone-specific phenomenon. I suspect that "sexting" has a lot less to do with the availability of internet pornography, than simply a world in which a steadily increasing fraction of young people's interaction (innocent or otherwise) is via electronic devices.
    And while it might be better if more sexting teens were aware that what they were doing was technically illegal (and the law certainly seems appropriate for adults trying to obtain such pictures), it hardly seems like the best thing to emphasise: it would be ridiculous (if, sadly, not unheard of) to threaten two 15-year-olds sending each other racy pictures with a child pornography prosecution. Far better to educate young people more generally on internet behaviour, with plenty of reminders that once something's in digital form it's trivial to copy and distribute, and can have long-lasting effects.
  • Venebles
    27 October 2012 12:08AM
    A terribly sad story about bullying, teen violence, a total creep, a vulnerable young girl and the awful consequences of cruelty and warped morality.
    Jack to do with porn, though.
  • 4danglier
    27 October 2012 12:11AM
    Tragic story.
    The pressure that caused her to take her own life was, in part, applied by the prudishness of American society. It's clear, the guy who published her photo is scum. However, here in Europe lots of women and girls routinely go topless on the beach. No big deal. They're comfortable with their bodies. If somebody photographs them, and publishes the photos, he's also scum.
    The women would not be traumatised. People looking at the photos would judge the publisher MUCH more harshly than the victim. That's one thing you can thank the paparazzi for. And that's real liberation for women!
    America needs to follow suit, and stop, prudishly, blaming the porn industry for your society's ills. (Europe's got porn too, you know)
  • MarjaE
    27 October 2012 12:19AM
    Thank you.
    I experienced misogynistic, homophobic, and transphobic bullying, and later politically-based bullying/bashings, throughout my school years. I am glad I didn't kill myself. But the bullying left me wanting to die, and along with later bashings, has left me with severe complex ptsd.
    Victim-blaming is beyond sick.
    I hope you're doing all right. We need more support, solidarity, and healing among survivors.
  • peeps99
    27 October 2012 12:34AM
    Thanks for that. Am I doing alright? Yes mainly - yes in having a good strong family that accept me; yes in having a good employer; yes in being in a long-term relationship, so all the major points in life. No in some knob head kids on the estate we live on still targeting us with low level anti-social behaviour because we're two men that live together. But at least the police take these things seriously nowadays, so that's another positive.
    I'm very disturbed and sorry to hear of the abuse you too have suffered, and I hope you're coming through it and coming to terms with the impact it has had on your life. We will face down the bullies - all of us together - no question about that.
  • girondistnyc
    27 October 2012 1:12AM
    You are aware the victim (and, according to anonymous, the perpetrator) are Canadian, right? On behalf of my Canadian friends, may I point out that "America", unless prefaced by "North" does not include Canada.
    I do think, though,that the real story here is how technology has let loose a terrifying amount of new weapons for bullies to abuse and has also allowed them to remain hidden far more easily. I'm not sure how much the broader phenomenon is really a gender issue, let alone traceable to porn.
  • harangutan2006
    27 October 2012 2:24AM
    A teenage girl tormented, hounded and beaten senseless, because she uploaded some racy pictures of herself. The challenge: how to stop teenage girls uploading racy pictures of themselves. Perilously close to victim-blaming, I fear.
    As I've posted elsewhere, we had a similar case here in NZ (though without the tragic ending), in which, as well as the school bullying, the parents of the 16 year old girl threw her out of the house. There's something wrong with our societies, all right, but I think it's mostly at the puritanical rather than the porny end.
  • Bluestone
    27 October 2012 2:59AM
    teenaged girls are encouraged by the ubiquity of porn's influence to post suggestive, racy pictures of themselves on their Facebook
    [citation needed]
  • reader0001
    27 October 2012 7:11AM
    What caused the bullying that pursued her so viciously? Bullies did, meaning people. Starting with the guy distributing her photos and continuing with a mob/gang of people both known and unknown to her who, like most bullies, felt powerful/better about their insecure selves, when mocking and putting another down. She said quite clearly in her video that she needed somebody, but not one of those bullies involved stood up for her and against the bullies. Like a gang of laughing hyenas they just couldnt stop until she was dead, the bullying actually carried on even after her death. Sex and porn has nothing to do with it, using people's sex lives to bully is the point that started it.
    And yet again the sad story of a girl bullied to death and the article completely ignores that several of her so called friends and ex-bf were part of the gang of online and offline bullied who continued the bullying till her death. And Amy claims to have been physically attacked by the girlfriend of her exboyfriend who used her. So where is reference to the bullies involved including the female bullies? The female predators are conveniently ignored.
    Lets hope yet again that the death of a teenage girl is being used for another man hating article in the guardian while deliberately missing the point of the part played by the male and female bullies and predators involved..
  • richmanchester
    27 October 2012 8:04AM
    Education, both parental and institutional seems to have failed to keep pace with events somewhat.
    Some people need to start playing catch up.
  • garymurphy
    27 October 2012 9:15AM
    I really do not understand the connection to the porn industry. This issue, as tragic as it is, has got absolutely nothing to do with porn at all.
    The fact that teens now have technology, literally in their hands, that allows them to send take a photograph and instantly send it to someone else, or publish it for all to see, will of course result in some of them taking more "risque" pics.
    This is the equivalent of flashing your boobs behind the bike shed only today you can do it from home and flash them to total strangers, and rather unfortunately dirty old bastards.
    Yes, something should be done, but blaming porn is an absolutely ridiculous leap to make.
  • thetrashheap
    27 October 2012 9:39AM
    I love the way you state:
    As a free-speech advocate, I believe that adults should have access to any material they want
    Then actual complain about the porn industry making money as if its a bad thing and people accept that.
    THe fact is feminism has become puritancial about sex in the exact same way Christians were the only difference is they still try to jump through idealogical hoops to convince themselves they are liberal....
    This article shows 3 girls killing themselves for this reason between canada and America, we had had a few gay guys do the same when they were exposed. On tean suicides what percentage is this? What percentage of bullying suicides is this?
    Obviously this behaviour is wrong, I'd like to see the blackmailing bully go to jail for a long time but linking 3 deaths with the whole porn industry and saying will somebody think of the children is Whitehouse territory.
  • Armstrongx15
    27 October 2012 9:42AM
    Even now there are some places you can see the picture of Amanda lifting her shirt, though they have been correctly deleted from most sites. She did not upload pictures, they were taken probably without her direct consent. What a dreadful price to pay for a moment of thoughtlessness. It is an offense that pictures of a minor can remain online in places like facebook and you tube and there is little to be done to remove the content. That is the policy of Facebook and You Tube "Once we have it it is ours!" And it is wrong.
    Amanda's story is utterly chilling, it should make a great deal of people who were not there to help her very ashamed.In the days of digital video cameras, screen shots on Skype, plenty of women must have concerns about what images could actually be out there.
  • david119
    27 October 2012 9:53AM
    Teenagers have always sexualised their own youth culture and we will have no solution to the problem of bullying unless we acknowledge this fact.
    Teenagers are not passive victims who are groomed into a sexual awareness, their own hormones determine that they are obsessed with the subject however much latter day puritans would like to pretend otherwise.
    Teenagers are not children but they are not yet adults, that's what the word "teenager" means.
    Rather than indulging Adult Puritan Fantasies about the sold called "child" status of fourteen year olds we would be far better living in the Real World.
    Teenagers are highly sexualised beings, the role of adults is to help them embrace their sexuality in a responsible and safe way.
    Bullying and abusive of power infects every aspect of our society and is especially a problem for young people because they are vulnerable and not yet fully formed adults.
    Bullying and abuse of power are the problems, not sexuality or the Internet.
  • Armstrongx15
    27 October 2012 10:06AM
    Teenagers are not passive victims who are groomed into a sexual awareness, their own hormones determine that they are obsessed with the subject however much latter day puritans would like to pretend otherwise.
    There is a danger in this comment. All of us were teenagers once and we know that young people mature faster these days; but grooming by adults online is a fact. Most teenagers think they know how life works, but they are vunerable and optimistic. There are real carefully self schooled skilled predators out there, from whom they need protection.
  • captainbrass
    27 October 2012 10:10AM
    Amanda's suicide is hideously tragic, but I think this article is reaching a bit by trying to tie this incident in with the others. She was cyber-stalked by an out-and-out paedophile; in the case of the other girls mentioned, it's more like the modern version of the old thing of girls getting "a reputation" at school and being bullied as a result.
    You can say technology facilitates it, but the behaviour's not new, and there's no real proof that porn "causes" any of it outside feminist ideology. I'm also amazed at the behaviour of the stalker. OK, if you're a predatory paedophile, you go after kids, but admitting it on your Facebook page? He must really enjoy social exile, extensive flaming and being the go-to guy for the local police whenever anything similar crops up.
  • morisy
    27 October 2012 10:23AM
    I was bullied in school because the cheap clothes I wore did not live up to the standards of my wealthy classmates. Kids will choose any reason they can to bully those they perceive as weak.
    Of course they only do it because their parents do it.
    Having lived in four countries, and now in Canada (not far from Vancouver), I can say that my experience of West Coast Canadian women is that they are the cattiest and most spiteful bullies, who seem to view the public takedown as a legitimate form of peer control. My experience is with adults. I can't imagine what it's like to be teenager here.
  • morisy
    27 October 2012 10:25AM
    FTR, I'm a girl. My male friends are almost always quite surprised when I report the sorts of things I hear when it's "girls only".
  • david119
    27 October 2012 10:35AM
    You have taken my comment completely out of context, I said that teenagers were not groomed "into sexual awareness", I did not say they were not groomed.
    We have to start off from the fact that teenagers are highly sexualised beings.
    As I said the role of adults is to help them embrace their sexuality in a safe and responsible way.
    The problem is not sexuality or the Internet, it is bullying and the abuse of power. I was badly bullied as a teenager and permanently affected, but the bullying had nothing at all to do with my sexuality.
    Our society is infected with bullying and the abuse of power. Teenage grooming is just one manifestation of this. It is of course convenient to hang the problem on sexuality because many adults are Puritans who feel threatened by teenage sexuality. It is convenient for them to label all teenagers as "vulnerable children".
    Teenagers are not children but they are not adults, they are making the difficult and often painful transition from one to the other.
    Denying their sexuality does not help.
  • jaapdenhaan
    27 October 2012 10:38AM
    I read this a week ago in a California paper, in the daily variety of absurdist homicide.
    But does anyone ever think about the levels to which we are sinking? Obviously little.
  • reader0001
    27 October 2012 10:38AM
    She was also bullied by a gang of girls including her so called alleged friends, none of whom stood by her despite the abuse which carried on for years. Lets hope the stalkng and harassment laws can be used against the whole wretched gang of stalkers and bullies as thats exactly what they. Something tells me that the abusers will get away with it as includes female stalkers and bullies, because the law is perverse, and stalking and harassment laws are too often used as malicious weapons and as a form of bullying agianst innocent people - and seldom to deal with the real stalkers, harassers and bullues out there, whether their victims are under age girls or full grown adults.
  • Carlthellama
    27 October 2012 10:45AM
    This is about one sick nasty individual that persuaded Miss Todd to flash and then maliciously spread the photos around. Trying to link that the porn industry seems illogical at best and at worst rather twisted in that you are using this poor girls tragic death to score cheap points against your favorite target.
  • jaapdenhaan
    27 October 2012 10:57AM
    What makes her death tragic is political. If I compare this story as it first appeared to the well-argued analyses in this paper I wonder what is worse. Logical but flawed conclusions or the raw material that everyone empathises with. The whole parallel world of social media is glamourised, you can only incorporate it into judicial structures and corrupt society even more.
  • caroassassino
    27 October 2012 11:12AM
    The ownership of the pornographic "industry" isn't really so opaque. Porno is a racket.
    Porn was certainly mob controlled in 1970s but it's questionable whether that is the case now.
    Weird seeing this article alongside the one on ex-porn performer Sasha Grey yesterday. Could a debate between Wolf and Grey be set up?
  • Armstrongx15
    27 October 2012 11:28AM
    If I have twisted your meaning then it was unintentional and I apologise, as i can read that your consideration is for the well being of vunerable young people who might make some online mistakes.
    if you look into Amanda's story, it is really one of complete waste, fed by the cruelty of pretty much all her peers.
    She actually did nothing to be ashamed of, she was just caught by a vicious predator on camera, who the internet system allowed her to hound and to degrade her not just at one school but at many.
    The issue here is bullying and the unwillingness of massive online forums to remove personal content on request. Facebook cannot and should not justify naked pictures of a minor in a personal profile, when they censor Femen.
    None of that of course helps the victims
  • kristinekochanski
    27 October 2012 1:53PM
    I think Naomi has got a good point here. The rise of internet porn, accessible by anyone, combined with the ubiquitous use of smart phones has led to a cultural shift where it is considered normal to take erotic pictures of yourself & send them to sexual partners. This does present a danger to people, usually girls, who cannot control where these images go once they have sent them.
    There isn't really much we can do about it though, without intruding into people's legitimate freedom. I think it is a matter of sex education, if we teach children about safe sex, contraception etc then we should also teach them of the dangers of making home made porn images when there is no copyright.

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