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Saturday, January 22, 2011

YouTube - American Cannibalism prequel.flv


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Here's the list of tags which I came up while watching:

    Bizarre/Oddities, Government, Activism, Crime, New York, Real Estate, Education, Terrorism, Research, history, ancient, medieval, modernity, hijackednation, class warfare, debt, deficit, trade, globalization, middle class, economy, workers, White House, Obama, Clinton, Bush, George H. W. Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, East India Company, Dr. John Coleman, anarchy, chaos, Washington, D.C., law, Constitution, police, DOJ, justice, murder, media, FOX, NBC, CNN, CIA, William Colby, Federal Reserve, Committee of 300, UN, intelligence agencies, Interpol, Mossad, Royal Institute for International Affairs, Tavistock, Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, Club of Rome, oil, banking, mining, insurance, commerce, industry, NRO, PERMINDEX, MI6, ADL, Bilderberg, IISS, Trilateral Commission, CFR, Dutchey Foundation, Rhodes Scholars, RIIA, CIIA, Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, wealth, power, money, technology, UCS, IPS, MIT, National Training Laboratories, Wharton, Hudson Institute, Brookings, Kissinger, Star Group, MK-ULTRA, cybernetics, entertainment, Association for Human Psychology, RAND, Stanford Research Institute, Harvard Psychiatric Clinic, social psychiatry, Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies, Institute for Social Research, dictatorship, AIPAC, security, JINSA, Rothschild family, isolationism, protectionism, globalization, infrastructure, tariffs, George Washington, free trade, Walmart, China, consumers, Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, trade barriers, Panama Canal, manufacturing, U.S., Communism, fascism, nativism, extremism, overpopulation, growth, development, degrowth, unions, agriculture, Monsanto, Bertrand Russell, New World Order, peasants, job security, Chatham House, genocide, assassination
